Outra vez, a bordar a bananeira
/ Once again, embroidering the banana leaf
installation, wood, LED light, artisanal 100% cotton paper

"Underneath a grand mango tree
Where the sun streamed through the leaves
Sat the girls upon the earth
With lemon tree thorns and banana leaves in their hands
They envisioned the embroidery of childhood
With drawings that transcended the sap
They pierced the leaves, which lingered through time
The sun, witnessing this, also couldn't resist embroidering
Among the spaces already drawn, one by one
It cast its enchanted beams of light
That surpassed the marks and recreated shadows on the earth
Of what had been imagined before"
“Outra vez, a bordar a bananeira” [Once again, embroidering the banana leaf] is an encapsulated recreation of a memory. Through a repetition of the revived practice and the substitution of materials, we have sunlight giving way to the heat of the welding machine, the transition from natural to artificial light, as well as the structure that holds everything together and ensures that that reimagined creation can be seen again. This new embroidery, now on cotton sheets, reverberates a new body and a new time, which rescues a space that was once inhabited with great affection, but which now has a new look. Like a rescue that takes advantage of distance to speak again.
Where the sun streamed through the leaves
Sat the girls upon the earth
With lemon tree thorns and banana leaves in their hands
They envisioned the embroidery of childhood
With drawings that transcended the sap
They pierced the leaves, which lingered through time
The sun, witnessing this, also couldn't resist embroidering
Among the spaces already drawn, one by one
It cast its enchanted beams of light
That surpassed the marks and recreated shadows on the earth
Of what had been imagined before"
“Outra vez, a bordar a bananeira” [Once again, embroidering the banana leaf] is an encapsulated recreation of a memory. Through a repetition of the revived practice and the substitution of materials, we have sunlight giving way to the heat of the welding machine, the transition from natural to artificial light, as well as the structure that holds everything together and ensures that that reimagined creation can be seen again. This new embroidery, now on cotton sheets, reverberates a new body and a new time, which rescues a space that was once inhabited with great affection, but which now has a new look. Like a rescue that takes advantage of distance to speak again.

“em baixo de uma grande mangueira
onde o sol passava entre as folhas
sentavam as meninas sobre a terra
com espinhos de limoeiro e folhas de bananeira em sua mãos
imaginavam o bordar da infância
com desenhos que ultrapassavam a seiva
perfuravam as folhas, que se deixavam ficar através do tempo
o sol vendo aquilo, também não quis deixar de bordar
entre os espaços ali já desenhados, um a um
lançava seus feixes de luz encantados
que ultrapassavam as marcas e recriavam sombras sobre a terra
daquilo que havia antes sido imaginado”
“Outra vez, a bordar a bananeira” é como a recriação encapsulada de uma memória. Através de uma repetição da prática revivida e da substituição de materiais, temos a luz solar a dar espaço ao calor da máquina de soldar, a passagem da luz natural para a artificial, assim como a estrutura que guarda tudo junto e garante que essa criação reimaginada possa voltar a ser vista, outra vez. Esse novo bordar, agora em folhas de algodão, reverbera um novo corpo e um novo tempo, que resgata um espaço já habitado, com muito carinho, mas que agora ganha um novo visual. Como um resgate que se aproveita da distância para então voltar a falar.